
English used like this '4 workers <new line> available' used like this '4 workers <new line> available'
Context English Catalan
WaterCollected Water collected Aigua recollida
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} Redueix l'aigua consumida en assentaments i granges en {0}
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver Estalviador d'aigua
WaterNeed__name Water Aigua
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. Converteix aigua no tan agradable en aigua agradable. No diguis això a la gent que ho beu.
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment Tractament d'aigües residuals
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. Aquesta estació pot extreure aigua dolça.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well Pou d'aigües subterrànies
WeatherOption_Dry Dry Sec
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry Menys sec
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless Sense marges
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen Pantalla completa
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed Mode finestra
WindowMode__Title Window mode Mode finestra
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts Adrecera de tecles
Workers__Available available Disponible
Workers__Needed needed Necessari
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. El nombre de treballadors disponibles. Per aconseguir més treballadors augmenta la teva població. Podeu fer-ho construint un far, explorant el mapa del món o aplicant edictes.
WorkersDemand Workers demand Demanda de treballadors
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up Disponible per recollir
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} s'ha reparat completament
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! Exploració en curs!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. Això ja estava explorat.
WorldLocation__Explored_Title Fully explored Totalment explorat
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! Aquesta és la nostra illa natal!
WorldLocation__Home_Title Home island Illa d'origen
WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc We need to explore this! Hem d'explorar això!
WorldLocation__Unknown_Title Unknown location Ubicació desconeguda
WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc Our ship is on way to explore this! El nostre vaixell està en camí per explorar-ho!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc There is an enemy that needs to be defeated! Hi ha un enemic que cal vèncer!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title Location with enemy Ubicació amb enemic
Context English Catalan
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver Estalviador d'aigua
WaterNeed__name Water Aigua
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. Converteix aigua no tan agradable en aigua agradable. No diguis això a la gent que ho beu.
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment Tractament d'aigües residuals
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. Aquesta estació pot extreure aigua dolça.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well Pou d'aigües subterrànies
WeatherOption_Dry Dry Sec
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry Menys sec
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless Sense marges
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen Pantalla completa
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed Mode finestra
WindowMode__Title Window mode Mode finestra
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts Adrecera de tecles
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. El nombre de treballadors disponibles. Per aconseguir més treballadors augmenta la teva població. Podeu fer-ho construint un far, explorant el mapa del món o aplicant edictes.
WorkersDemand Workers demand Demanda de treballadors
Workers__Available available Disponible
Workers__Needed needed Necessari
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up Disponible per recollir
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} s'ha reparat completament
WorldLocation_EnemyFound Enemy found Enemic trobat
WorldLocation_Orders Ship orders enviar comandes
WorldLocation_Orders__Battle Battle Batalla
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo Lliurar càrrega
WorldLocation_Orders__Explore Explore Explorar
WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome Go home Tornar a casa
WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo Load cargo Carregar càrrega
WorldLocation_Orders__Visit Visit Visitar
WorldLocation_StructureFound Structure found Estructura trobada
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! Exploració en curs!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. Això ja estava explorat.


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Captain of Industry / GameCatalan

2 years ago
User avatar mpr6

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Captain of Industry / GameCatalan

2 years ago
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Things to check


There are 2 variants of this string.



English Catalan
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
used like this '4 workers <new line> available' used like this '4 workers <new line> available'
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
ca.po, string 2948