The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
El reactor funcionarà sempre que es subministri el nombre mínim de combustible que es mostra a sota. Un cop el reactor estigui ple, el consum tornarà al ritme normal (tal com es veu a la vista general de la recepta). Quan s'esgota una barra de combustible, es substituirà per una de nova i els residus es treauran.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. Once the reactor is full, consumption will return to the normal rate (as seen in the recipe overview). When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
El reactor funcionarà sempre que es subministri el nombre mínim de combustible que es mostra a sota. Un cop el reactor estigui ple, el consum tornarà al ritme normal (tal com es veu a la visióta general de la recepta). Quan s'esgota una barra de combustible, es substituirà per una de nova i els residus es treuran.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
El reactor funcionarà sempre que es subministrei el nombre mínim de barrescombustible que es mostra a continuació. Les barres només es carregaran al reactor quan el nivell de potència sigui positiusota. Un cop el reactor estigui ple, el consum tornarà al ritme normal (tal com es veu a la visió general de la recepta). Quan s'esgota una barra de combustible, es substituirà per una de nova i els retornarà el combustible gastatsidus es treuran.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum number of rods shown below. Rods will only be loaded into the reactor when the power level is positiveamount of fuel shown below. Once the reactor is full, consumption will return to the normal rate (as seen in the recipe overview). When a fuel rod is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
El reactor funcionarà sempre que es subministre el nombre mínim de barres que es mostra a continuació. Les barres només es carregaran al reactor quan el nivell de potència sigui positiu. Un cop el reactor estigui ple, el consum tornarà al ritme normal (tal com es veu a la visió general de la recepta). Quan s'esgota una barra de combustible, es substituirà per una de nova i es retornarà el combustible gastat.
Un cop el reactor estigui ple, el consum tornarà al ritme normal (tal com es veu a la vista general de la recepta).Quan s'esgota una barra de combustible, es substituirà per una de nova i els residus es treauran.