Performs a cryogenic distillation process at temperatures reaching -200 °C to separate atmospheric air into its primary components - oxygen and nitrogen.
Efectuează un proces de distilare criogenică la temperaturi care ajung la -200 °C pentru a separa aerul atmosferic în componentele sale primare - oxigen și azot.
People in the settlement that are willing to join your island. This number replenishes naturally over time until the limit is reached. The capacity and replenish rate are affected by your reputation. Also some settlements might not have this option.
Oameni din așezare care sunt dispuși să se alăture insulei tale. Acest număr se completează în mod natural în timp, până la atingerea limitei. Capacitatea și rata de reaprovizionare sunt afectate de reputația dvs. De asemenea, unele așezări ar putea să nu aibă această opțiune.
The supporter edition bundle is for players who would like to support our small game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! Signed co-founders, Marek and Filip