All the cargo that is temporarily stored in the shipyard. When the shipyard gets too full it is unable to unload more cargo from the ship. Trucks always actively remove products from the shipyard whenever there is space somewhere else.
Captain, we have just docked!found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here.
To start exploring, open the world map ({0} key), select a destination (1), and click {1} (2). Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete.
You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can find loot, refugees, oil rigsdiscover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more.
Your population's health decreases if you emit pollution - (air or water). Pollution on your island is global, so moving smoke stacks farther from your settlement won'’t help. It is a good idea to keep your eye on how much pollution you emit.