Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Economy Economy
EntityCannotBeReached__name Vehicles can't reach {entity}.
EntityCannotBeReachedDesc Some or all vehicles are struggling to reach this target, make sure there is an accessible path or disable target's logistics requests.
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming Monthly Unity that is currently being consumed
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming Monthly Unity consumed when operational (currently not consuming)
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough Monthly Unity required to operate (currently not enough)
EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck Partially stuck
Error__Copy Copy error
Error__View View error
ExcavatorT2H__name Excavator
GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip Affects how much material is returned back when deconstructing buildings, machines and vehicles.
GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash Failed to save the game '{0}': {1}

If you are using mods, please ensure they are compatible with the current game version. Otherwise, file a bug report including this error message and your logs, so we can investigate.
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name Ships pollution
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name Vehicles pollution
Kb_ApplyChanges__label Apply changes
Kb_LiftSnapping__label Toggle snapping
Kb_Redo__label Redo
Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label Captain's office (if constructed)
Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label Debris removal tool
Kb_Undo__label Undo