Context English Chinese (Traditional)
OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip The sorter is not accepting more of this product because there is already too much of it.
OreSorter_SelectProducts Select products to sort
OreSortingPlantT1__desc This facility handles sorting of mixed materials loaded onto your trucks by excavators. This is required as trucks can't directly deliver mixed loads to storage units or buildings.
OreSortingPlantT1__name Ore sorting plant
OutputPort__Tooltip ID of the port that outputs this product
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}?
PerJourneySuffix journey
Power Power
PropsRemovalTool Remove debris
PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of debris (stones, bushes, tree stumps) to clear them. This action costs Unity.
QuickBuild__NotAllowed Quick delivery is not allowed for this type of structure
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago
RelativeTime_Seconds {0} second ago
ResearchElectricity__name Electricity
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__Title Save
SaveName__Label Name your save
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far