Context English Chinese (Traditional)
UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip Right click or drag over an area of structures to cancel any ongoing upgrades 右鍵點選或拖曳出一個區域來取消任何正在進行的升級
UpgradeTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to upgrade them 點選或拖曳出一個區域來升級它們
VideoSettings_Title Video 影像
WasteDump__name Liquid dump 排水口
WasteSortingPlant__desc Recycling can transform your island's economy in a significant way as it allows to recover a portion of raw materials from various sources like settlement, maintenance, or research. Recycling reduces the need for raw minerals extraction and thus also extends longevity of deposits. Places that support recycling will return '{0}'. This product can be separated via waste sorting plant into scraps (such as iron or copper scraps) which can be sent to any furnace for smelting. The ratio of materials recycled is based on '{1}' and more about that is explained in the waste sorting plant. 透過回收,你可以顯著地改變你的島嶼經濟,因為它能從各種來源(如定居點、維修或研究)中回收部分原材料。回收的行為減少了對原始礦石的開採需求,也因此延長了礦藏的壽命。支援回收的地方會返回「{0}」。這種產品可以在垃圾分類工廠中被分解成碎屑(如鐵碎屑或銅碎屑),並可以被送往各個熔爐進行熔煉。回收材料的比例是基於「{1}」,在垃圾分類工廠有更詳細的說明。
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} 減少 {0} 定居點和農場的用水量
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment 污水處理
WeatherOption_Dry Dry 乾燥
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! 這是我們的家園島!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc There is an enemy that needs to be defeated! 您需要打敗那個敵人!
WorldMine_ReserveTooltip Shows the overall status of the reserve available in this deposit. This is a limited resource. 顯示此礦藏中可用資源的整體狀況。這是有限的資源。
YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name You Shall Not Pass 您無法通關
Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. 具有兩個輸入和輸出端口,可使用任一個來對產品進行分配和優先排序。
Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name Flat balancer 平面平衡器
Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. 具有兩個輸入和輸出端口,可使用任一個來對產品進行分配和優先排序。
Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. 具有兩個輸入和輸出端口,可使用任一個來對產品進行分配和優先排序。
Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports. 具有兩個輸入和輸出端口,可使用任一個來對產品進行分配和優先排序。
Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__name Pipe balancer 管道平衡器