Context English Chinese (Traditional)
BalancerRatios__Outputs Enforce strictly even outputs 保持嚴格平均輸出
BasicDieselDistiller__desc Allows distillation of low-grade diesel but it is quite inefficient and produces a lot of waste. 允許蒸餾低級汽油,但這很沒效率,而且會產生大量廢棄物。
BattleResult__ShipTitle Our ship 我們的船
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers. 一個沙灘假期在等著你!因為想當然,所有最好的假期都是伴隨著採礦、重工業和自動化工廠的。這些沙灘會面臨農業和木材業的挑戰,但是豐富的原油會支撐著你的設施,正如陽光會滋潤著你的工人一樣。
Beacon__desc Strong light helps other refugees to find your island and join you. This can help you to get more workers and some extra starting loot. 燈塔發出的強光能讓難民找到島嶼並加入殖民地,提供更多工人與一些資源。
Beacon__name Beacon 燈塔
Beacon__NoMoreRefugees No more refugees available! 沒有更多的難民了!
Beacon__Notice Note: active progress gets reset if the beacon gets interrupted 注意:如果關閉燈塔會重置難民加入的倒數時間
Beacon__Status Expecting {0} refugee in less than: 預估{0}難民會在該時間之內到達:
BestEffortLocalized Please note that localizations are currently done by our amazing community and we provide them on best-effort basis. 請注意,目前的本地化翻譯工作是由我們出色的社群完成,我們會盡最大努力提供這些本地化服務。
BirchTree__desc Birch tree 樺樹
BirchTreeDry__desc Birch tree (dry) 樺樹(枯萎)
Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip Export currently selected blueprint or folder as a string into the clipboard. 將當前選定的藍圖或資料夾作為字串匯出到剪貼簿。
BoilerElectric__desc Produces high pressure steam by boiling water. Basically a giant kettle. But not recommended for tea preparation. 煮沸水以製造高壓蒸氣。基本上就是個巨釜,但不建議用於泡茶。
BoilerElectric__name Boiler (electric) 鍋爐(電)
BoilerGas__desc Produces high pressure steam by burning gas. 燃燒天然氣以製造高壓蒸氣。
BoilerGas__name Boiler (gas) 鍋爐(天然氣)
BoostMachine__Disable Remove boost 移除加速器
BoostMachine__Enable Boost 加速器
BoostMachine__Tooltip Doubles the throughput while consuming Unity. Also ignores electricity requirement 消耗凝聚力以加倍生產速度,並忽略電力需求