Context English Thai
ResearchNuclearReactor3__name Fast breeder reactor
ResearchPipeTransports__desc Pipes are great. Imagine hauling all of that with trucks?
ResearchPipeTransportsT2__desc It turns out that if we increase the pipe diameter, it has a higher throughput.
ResearchPipeTransportsT3__desc Another increase in the throughput.
ResearchPolySiliconProduction__name Silicon & electronics II ซิลิคอน
ResearchQueue__Status In queue ({0})
ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc Edicts that can be enabled to increase island's overall recycling efficiency.
ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc Increases overall recycling efficiency by extra {0}%.
ResearchRepairDock__desc Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs.
ResearchRetainingWalls__name Retaining walls
ResearchSettlementDecorations__name Settlement decorations
ResearchSettlementWaste__desc Basic collection and disposal of waste from settlements.
ResearchSettlementWaste__name Settlement waste
ResearchShipArmor__desc Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh?
ResearchShipRadar__desc Advanced ship bridge. Also contains a better radar for area explorations.
ResearchShipWeapons__desc Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle.
ResearchShipWeapons2__desc Ship guns that provide increased range and damage.
ResearchStacker__name Stacker
ResearchSteelSmelting__desc Process to convert iron into more durable steel.
ResearchSulfurProcessing__name Sulfur processing