Context English Thai
Loan_DurationTooltip The loan duration sets your minimum annual payment. You can always repay your loan earlier.
Loan_Fee Fee
Loan_Fee__Tooltip A one-time fee applied to each new loan.
Loan_InterestRate Interest rate
Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip Annual interest rate applied to new loans. The rate varies with your credit score.
Loan_InterestSoFar Interest accumulated so far
Loan_LifetimeInterest Lifetime interest
Loan_MaxLoans Max. loans
Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip Determines the number of active loans you can have simultaneously.
Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip The maximum you can borrow is based on your past production performance and credit score.
Loan_Multiplier Volume multiplier
Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip Affects the quantity you can borrow, adjusted based on your credit score.
Loan_NewLoan New loan
Loan_NextPayment Next payment
Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip Payments are automatically taken from your trade dock. Ensure sufficient quantity is available.
Loan_NextPaymentIn in
Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction Your production history doesn't meet the minimum criteria to borrow this product.
Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans You've reached the limit for loans you can have at once.
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh You can't borrow more than {0}
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow You can't borrow less than {0}