Context English Thai
RenderingSetting_Title Rendering
RenderingSettingPreset_Label Preset
ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip Allows to replace (upgrade) this vehicle. A requested replacement will be scheduled for assembly in a nearby vehicle depot. Once the replacement is built, the vehicle will head to the depot to be scrapped and replaced. In the meantime, the vehicle will operate as usual.
ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot There is no compatible vehicle depot that could build the selected replacement.
ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected No vehicle is selected for replacement.
ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay Vehicle is heading to a vehicle depot to be replaced.
ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace Vehicle is waiting for its replacement to be built in the vehicle depot.
ReputationIncrease__Tooltip You can donate some products to increase your reputation in this settlement. The better reputation you have the more trade offers you get. Reputation also affects pops adoption. The products have to be delivered by your ship.
ReputationIncreaseTitle Increase our reputation to {0}
Research__Detail Research
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc Provides extra management of logistics and dumping.
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores.
ResearchBasicComputing__name Basic computing
ResearchBasicDiesel__desc Enables to pump island's limited reserve of oil and convert it to diesel. Not very efficient.
ResearchBasicDiesel__name Basic diesel
ResearchBasicFarming__desc Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain.
ResearchBioDiesel__name Biodiesel ไบโอดีเซล
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made.