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PipeFormattedFirst__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Pipes cannot transport more than one product type at a time.
PipeFormattedNext__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier.
PlaceMultipleTooltip Hold the shortcut key to place selected structures multiple times
PlaceSurface__Tooltip Designates an area for surface placement by trucks.
PlanningModeActive__Title Planning mode on
PlanningModeActive__Tooltip Planning mode is enabled which means that any new construction will be paused (preventing trucks to make deliveries). Click to turn the planning mode off.
PopsBoostT1__desc Pops growth increased by {0}
PopsBoostT1__name Growth boost
PopsCannotWork__Quarantine In quarantine
PopsCannotWork__Starving Starving
PopsCannotWorkTitle Some pops can't work
PopsEviction__desc Every month, {0} of the population will have to pack their things and leave the island
PopsQuarantine__desc Quarantines {0} of the total workforce to reduce effects of any ongoing disease by {1}.
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation!
PopsStarving__name People are starving!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt
PopulationGrowth__Tooltip Population can grow in size if there are good conditions and enough housing. Growth can be reduced by diseases and pollution.