You can use unity to instantly deliver/remove products to/from construction in order to finish construction projects quickly.
This tool enables you to drag over an area to order quick delivery/removal for all selected buildings. If there is no product delivery possible, this tool will act as a boost toggle.
The tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click and drag across the desired buildings (2).
Vehicles accessibility
When there is terrain dug from underneath a building or landslide that buries a building it may trigger building collapse. In that case the building gets lost and it can trigger further landslides and collapses. When mining a deeper mine, terrain can also collapse blocking vehicles from entering or exiting the mine.
Each material has its own properties on how steep an angle it can hold until it collapses.
You can build {0} to prevent terrain from uncontrolled collapse. These are designed to hold terrain in place. They can hold up to {1} tiles of terrain.
Retaining walls are best built before mining/dumping. They also cannot be built on top of any previously designated mining/dumping areas. Use {0} and {1} keys to raise or lower the wall.
Any terrain higher or lower than {0} beside the retaining wall will cause it to collapse.
{0} can be also used to create a contained place for dumping in otherwise unsuitable areas.
Dumping waste
Your population generates waste that needs to be collected to maintain healthy conditions in your settlement.
Build a {0} and attach it to your settlement. It will automatically store waste generated by the settlement’s population.
Set up dumping designations ({0}) anywhere on your island.
Your trucks will automatically pick up waste from {0} and <b>dump it on the ground</b>. To learn more about dumping, see the {1} tutorial
Note that the amount of general waste your population produces depends on the amount of supply they get and whether they recycle. It is not possible to get rid of the general waste entirely, but later on you will be able to research more ways to deal with the waste.
World structures
When you first discover a world mine, you must repair it before exploiting it. This is done by selecting the structure icon on the map and clicking {0} (1). The {1} will now have the option of loading the supplies necessary to repair that structure (2). Once loaded, they must be delivered by your main ship to begin the repairs.
World Structures have a configuration window when selected on the {0} (1). You can select the {1} (2) that determines the rate of production but it also affects how many workers are required to work there and the {2} cost associated with it (3). You can increase the maximum {1} by upgrading the structure (4). In emergencies, you can load cargo to your ship when it’s present (5).
For more information on using cargo ships and depots to automate collection of these supplies, visit {0} tutorial.