Context English Serbian
VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name {entity} cannot reach destination.
NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no available designations to be mined in its area
TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name {entity} has no compatible excavator
TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name {entity} has no compatible sorting plant for mixed cargo
ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name {entity} has no compatible truck
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area
VehicleNoFuel__name {entity} has no fuel
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned
VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name {entity} has no reachable terrain designations
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with
NoTreesToHarvest__name {entity} has no trees to harvest
NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name {entity} has no truck assigned
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity
CargoShipMissingFuel__name {entity} is low on fuel
FuelStationOutOfFuel__name {entity} is out of fuel
VehicleGoalStruggling__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach.