Context English Serbian
Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label Trading
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading
TradeDock__name Trading dock
ResearchTradeDock__name Trading dock
SettlementPowerModule__name Transformer
HydroCrackerT1__desc Transforms different fuel types between each other to help with consumption imbalance.
TransportMode Transport build
TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut Transport cannot be split here
TrAdditionError__PathNotFound Transport to selected position was not found.
TransportedProducts Transported products
transportsCategory__name Transports
TutorialOnTransports2__part1 Transports (pipes and conveyor belts) are an alternative way of transporting products around your factory. They reduce demands on your truck logistics and make product deliveries more steady.
ResearchTransportsBalancing__name Transports balancing
PipeFormattedNext__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier.
PipeFormattedFirst__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Pipes cannot transport more than one product type at a time.
LooseConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports loose products.
LooseConveyorFormattedNext__desc Transports loose products. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier.
Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label Transports menu
MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports molten products.
FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc Transports units of solid products. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier.