Context English Serbian
TutorialOnFertility__rotation1 Growing the same crop more than once in a row will impose <b>{0} penalty</b> on fertility. This can be avoided by planting different crops in a crop rotation schedule. You can plant {1} which does not yield any useful products but helps to regenerate soil fertility and eliminates same-crop fertility penalty when planted between other crops.
TutorialOnFertility__rotation2 You can also <b>leave the field empty</b> with no crop planted. This gives the soil time to regenerate fertility naturally but it won’t eliminate the same-crop fertility penalty on its own.
TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading Crop rotation
TutorialOnFurnace__name Iron Scrap smelting
TutorialOnHealth__name Health & pollution
TutorialOnHealth__part1 Your population has health. If health is positive, your population grows and provides you with extra unity. If health goes negative, your population starts to decline.
TutorialOnHealth__part2 You can increase your population's health by providing them with a variety of food, water, and healthcare.
TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading Positive effects
TutorialOnHealth__part3 Your population's health decreases if you emit pollution (air or water). Pollution on your island is global, so moving smoke stacks farther from your settlement won’t help. It is a good idea to keep your eye on how much pollution you emit.
TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading Negative effects
TutorialOnHealth__part4 When something emits pollution, it is displayed in the right side of the recipe UI as shown below.
TutorialOnHealth__part5a Your population can suffer from diseases. There are diseases that just come and go and it is not possible to completely prevent them from happening. Providing healthcare can significantly reduce their negative impact.
TutorialOnHealth__part5b There are also diseases that can occur due to bad conditions in your settlement, for instance lack of clean water or too much trash. There are no diseases from pollution as pollution gives a health penalty directly.
TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading Diseases
TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name Iron ore smelting
TutorialOnIronOre__part1 The {0} can process both {1} and {2} by toggling both recipes on. To do so, turn on the <b>{1}</b> recipe by clicking on it.
TutorialOnIronOre__part2 The priority of recipe execution depends on their order which can be changed using the arrows on the left (1). If you want to prioritize {0} processing over {1}, click the <b>up arrow</b> on the <b>{0} recipe</b> for it to move above the <b>{1} recipe</b>.
TutorialOnIronOre__part3 With {0} being smelted, the {2} will produce <b>{1}</b>. {1} can be dumped anywhere on the island by placing dumping designations (unless you prevent {1} dumping by changing the <b>global dumping filter</b>). Trucks will always prioritize delivering {1} and other materials to where it is needed before dumping it (e.g. concrete production). Dumping {1} is important as typically your smelting industry will produce way more {1} than you can use. Dumping it has no pollution effect.
TutorialOnMaintenance__name Maintenance
TutorialOnMaintenance__part1 Maintenance is a crucial global resource that is required by vehicles and buildings to keep operational otherwise they break down and stop working. Maintenance level of each entity can be seen on the bottom of its window (1). In an emergency, broken entities can be instantly repaired using {0} (2).