Context English Serbian
Goal__ExploreWithShip <bc>Explore</bc> first location on the <bc>world map</bc> with the ship
TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3 <b>yellow green square with a red outline</b>: is not accessible yet
TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2 <b>light green square</b>: is accessible and will be used
TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4 <b>darkened green square</b>: already fulfilled and will be ignored
MonthDurationLegend 1 month = {0}
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion 1 fertilizer -> {0}
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE
VehicleLimitIncrease +{0} VEHICLE CAP
SaveNew + New save