Context English Serbian
NumberOfMonths {0} month
NumberOfSettlements {0} settlement
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE
OptionValMeters {0} meter
VehicleLimitIncrease +{0} VEHICLE CAP
VehiclesManagement__Drivers {0} driver
MatchesFound {0} match
NumberOfYears {0} year
CharactersCount {0} char
Location_EnemyScore {0} ship with battle score:
ShiftsCount {0} shift
TrucksStats__JobsCnt {0} job
NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired Requires at least {0} unit of fuel to operate
StatsRange__Days Last {0} day
NumberOfDays {0} day
StatsRange__Months Last {0} month
StatsRange__Years Last {0} year
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago