Context English Serbian
AdditionError__CollisionWith Collision with {0} U koliziji sa
AccessibilitySetting__Title Accessibility Pristupačnost
AdditionError__OceanBlocked Ocean access blocked Pristup okeanu je blokiran
AdditionError__InvalidHeight Invalid placement height, must be placed within heights {0} and {1} (inclusive). Neparvilna visina postavljanja, objakat mora biti postavljen unutar visine {0} i {1} (unutar)
ActiveDisplay_Setting Active display Aktivni Ekran
NumberOfMonths {0} month
NumberOfSettlements {0} settlement
AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain Ocean access blocked by terrain at {0} location, you might need to repeat the recovery action.
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE
OptionValMeters {0} meter
VehicleLimitIncrease +{0} VEHICLE CAP
VehiclesManagement__Drivers {0} driver
Contracts__ShipSizeModules {0} module
MatchesFound {0} match
FoodCategoriesSatisfied {0} category satisfied
NumberOfYears {0} year
FoodFeedInfo feeds {0} person
CharactersCount {0} char
AdoptPopsAction Adopt {0} pop
Location_EnemyScore {0} ship with battle score: