Context English Serbian
ServiceLimit__Title Service limit
ServiceLimit__Tooltip This settlement module has a limit on how many people it can serve. In case the total population of the attached settlement exceeds this limit, you need to build more modules.
Settings_Title Settings
SettlementBiomassModule__desc Collects organic waste (leftovers from food typically). If a settlement does not have this module built, all the organic waste ends up in general waste.
SettlementBiomassModule__name Biomass collection
SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc Provides consumer electronics to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity.
SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name Consumer electronics module
SettlementFoodModule__desc Provides food to the attached settlement. A settlement needs to have at least one food market attached otherwise its population will starve.
SettlementFoodModule__name Food market
SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc Provides food to the attached settlement. This one can store multiple types of products.
SettlementFoodModuleT2__name Food market II
SettlementFountain__name Square with fountain
SettlementFullOfLandfill__name Settlement is full of trash
SettlementHasNoFoodModule__name Settlement has no food market!
SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc Provides appliances electronics to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity.
SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name Household appliances module
SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__desc Provides household goods to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity.
SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__name Household goods module
SettlementIsStarving__name Settlement is starving!
SettlementLandfillModule__desc Collects general waste from the attached settlement to prevent it from piling up in the settlement and causing health concerns.