Context English Serbian
NuclearReprocessingPlant__name Nuclear reprocessing plant
NuclearWasteStorage__desc A special underground storage facility that can safely manage any radioactive waste without causing any danger to the island’s population. Leaving a legacy for the next generations to come.
NuclearWasteStorage__name Radioactive waste storage
NumberOfDays {0} day
NumberOfMonths {0} month
NumberOfSettlements {0} settlement
NumberOfYears {0} year
OakTree__desc Oak tree
OakTreeDry__desc Oak tree (dry)
Occupants__Title Occupants
Occupants__TooltipForIsland Current population size in all the settlements on the island and their available housing capacity. Exceeding the capacity leads to an overcrowded island which comes with a monthly Unity penalty.
Occupants__TooltipForSettlement Current population size in this settlement and its available housing capacity. To see the whole island's population, go to the island overview.
OceanAccessBlocked__name Ocean access is blocked
OceanRenderingQuality Ocean quality
OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc Larger pump that can be placed up to height of {0} from the ocean level. Requires more power to run.
OceanWaterPumpLarge__name Seawater pump (tall)
OceanWaterPumpT1__desc Pumps water from ocean. Works at the maximum height of {0} from the ocean level.
OceanWaterPumpT1__name Seawater pump
Off_Option Off
OilPump__desc Pumps crude oil from underground.