Context English Slovak
CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle Product to import
CargoDepotT1__name Cargo depot (2)
CargoDepotT2__name Cargo depot (4)
CargoDepotT3__name Cargo depot (6)
CargoDepotT4__name Cargo depot (8)
CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract Assign a contract
CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts Import from mine / oil rig
CargoDepotWizard__Title How would you like to use this depot?
CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip Cargo depot can be used either to import products from your mines and oil rigs or to perform a contract. Cargo depot can be assigned only to a single contract and once it is assigned, its ship will automatically perform the assigned contract given there are correct modules with correct products assigned. When cargo depot is assigned a contract it cannot perform any other duties such as importing products from mines and oil rigs.
CropHarvestNow__Action Harvest now
Disabled Disabled
EntityStatus__MissingInput Missing input
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing
IslandMapDifficulty__Medium Advanced
Kb_MoveRight__label Move right
Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label Copy
Kb_ToggleCutTool__label Cut
Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label Demolish / remove
Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label Dumping designations
Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label Copy (insta-copy)