Context English Slovak
LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle Sound suppression
Layers Layers
LimestoneMine__name Limestone quarry
Load_Action Load
Load_Title Load game
LoadDisabled__Error Error opening the save file and reading its metadata. Try to restart the game. In case the issue persists, inspect logs for more information.
LoadDisabled__ModsMissing At least one mod that is required by the current save file is not installed. Install the missing mod or disable it to try run the game without it.
LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled Mod loading is disabled, you need to enable mods in {0} or disable all the mods required by this save file.
LoadInProgress Loading ...
Location_Distance {0} km away from our Island
Location_EnemyScore {0} ship with battle score:
Location_HasEntity This location has {0}
Location_ShipOnWay Ship on way
Locked Locked
LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name Level of detail (LOD)
LogisticsControl__Auto Auto
LogisticsControl__Auto_InputTooltip Trucks will be allowed to deliver a product. But once the product is successfully received via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to deliver it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck deliveries get restored.
LogisticsControl__Auto_OutputTooltip Trucks will be allowed to collect a product. But once the product is successfully dispatched via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to collect it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck collections get restored.
LogisticsControl__InputTitle Truck import
LogisticsControl__InputTooltip Configures whether trucks can <b>import</b> products