Context English Romanian
AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations.

This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only
Product_Acid__name Acid
GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle Admiral
AdoptPopsAction Adopt {0} pop Adoptă {0} locuitor
ResearchCrudeOilDistillation__name Advanced diesel
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name Advanced smelting
GameDiff__FuelConsumptionDiff_Tooltip Affects fuel consumption of vehicles and cargo ships.
GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip Affects how much food, services, goods is consumed by your population.
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip Affects how much Unity is produced in settlements.
GameDiff__RainYieldDiff_Tooltip Affects how much water is generated from rain.
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation
Product_Virtual_PollutedAir__name Air pollution
BasicDieselDistiller__desc Allows distillation of low-grade diesel but it is quite inefficient and produces a lot of waste.
Zipper_IoPortShape_Pipe__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports.
Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports.
FarmT1__desc Allows growing various crops. Can be used for food production. This farm depends on rain only. To supply water from external source it needs to be upgraded.
FlatConveyorSorter__desc Allows sorting of products.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else.
ErrorReporting__Tooltip Allows us to send anonymous reports of errors that occur during your gameplay. This helps us to discover issues quickly and make the game better for everyone.