Context English Dutch
DifficultyGrowth__Hard Slower growth for crops and trees Langzamere groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyGrowth__Normal Standard growth speed for crops and trees Standaard groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyMaintenance__Easy Reduced maintenance consumption Verminderd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Hard Increased maintenance consumption Verhoogd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Normal Standard maintenance consumption Standaard onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMining__Easy Increased mining yield Verhoogde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Hard Reduced mining yield Verminderde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Normal Standard mining yield Standaard mijnopbrengst
DifficultyPollution__Easy Reduced impact of pollution and increased base population health Verminderde gevolgen door vervuiling en verbeterde basisgezondheid voor de bevolking
DifficultyPollution__Hard Increased impact of pollution Verhoogde gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyPollution__Normal Standard impact of pollution Standaard gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyRainfall__Easy Increased rainfall and water collection Verhoogde regenval en wateropvang
DifficultyRainfall__Hard Reduced rainfall and water collection Verminderde regenval en wateropvang
DifficultyRainfall__Normal Standard rainfall and water collection Standaard regenval en wateropvang
DifficultyResearch__Easy Reduced research cost Lagere onderzoekskosten
DifficultyResearch__Hard Increased research cost Hogere onderzoekskosten
DifficultyResearch__Normal Standard research cost Standaard onderzoekskosten
DifficultySettingsSaved Difficulty settings saved! Moeilijkheidsgraad opgeslagen!
DifficultyUnity__Easy Increased Unity generation Verhoogde generatie van Unity
DifficultyUnity__Hard Increased Unity generation. Some Unity actions are more expensive. Verminderde generatie van Unity. Sommige acties die Unity kosten, zijn duurder.