Context English Norwegian Bokmål
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0}
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts.
WorkersDemand Workers demand
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up
WorldMap World map
WorldMine__Desc This site mines {0} when assigned with workers.
WorldMine_ReducedOutput Warning: {0} of production is currently wasted due to a lack of Unity, resulting in an actual output of {1}. This penalty can increase over time.
WorldMine_ReserveEstimate Years left: {0} (estimate)
WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip This rough estimate is based on the current production level. Idle times (such as due to a full output) are not accounted for, in which case the duration left might be greater.
WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair This {0} needs to be repaired before we can use it.
WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources This {0} provides us with resources. To deliver the resources to our island we need to send our ship to fetch it. Or find & repair a dedicated cargo ship and build a cargo depot to automate the process.
WorldMineProductionLvl__Title Production level
WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip Production level determines output of this station but also increases its demands on workers, maintenance and Unity. Stations can be upgraded to provide even higher production levels.
WorldMineTitleWithLevel {0} (Level {1})
YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc Prepare for the ultimate challenge on You Shall Not Pass, an experimental map designed to push your skills to the limit! The starting point is a tiny valley with limited space, yet it is abundant in resources. Your task? Ascend to the top plateau before you run out of space (and coal). Once at the top, you are rewarded with a flat area for building a vast factory so you can utilize all the resources available to you.

Will your excavators win the race against time or will your factory spiral out of control as your resources sputter out? Only the captains with the most robust plans (and trousers) can conquer this island of pain.

This map is for experts only.
YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name You Shall Not Pass