Context English Norwegian Bokmål
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty Empty
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full Keep full
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned No product assigned
StoredProduct__Title Stored product Stored product
SunnyWeather__name Sunny Skyete
TechnologyCargoShip__name Cargo ship technology Lasteskip
TechnologyOilDrilling__desc We need to discover an oil rig in the world map to obtain this technology. We need to discover an oil rig in the world map to obtain this technology.
TechnologyOilDrilling__name Ocean drilling technology Ocean drilling technology
TechnologyShipRadar__name Radar system Radar system
TechnologyShipRadarT2__name Radar system II Radar system II
TipOnLoad__BuildClose Build machines that process mined material closer to mines to save on fuel for trucks. Build machines that process mined material closer to mines to save on fuel for trucks.
TipOnLoad__Food Make sure you always have enough food otherwise your people will starve. Make sure you always have enough food otherwise your people will starve.
TipOnLoad__OilRig If you are running out of crude oil on your island, you can explore with your ship for remote oil rigs. If you are running out of crude oil on your island, you can explore with your ship for remote oil rigs.
TipOnLoad__Prefix Tip #{0}: {1} Tip #{0}: {1}
TradeDock__name Trading dock
TradeDockCargo__Tooltip All the products acquired from trading get delivered here.
TradeStatus__NoTradeDock You need to build a trading dock first
TurbineHighPress__desc Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power. Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power.
TurbineLowPress__desc Improves power production efficiency by reusing low pressure steam to create mechanical power. Improves power production efficiency by reusing low pressure steam to create mechanical power.
TutorialOnWorldEntities__name World structures