Context English Norwegian Bokmål
ShipCrew__Tooltip Ship requires crew in order to operate. Crew cannot board in case the ship is damaged. Total akkumulert forsinkelse der avlingen ikke vokste på grunn av vannmangel. Dette er vanligvis greit for tidlige gårder og avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet. Imidlertid kan mer sensitive avlinger tørke ut.
ShipCrew__Unload Unload crew Unload crew
ShipDesigner Ship designer Ship designer
ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired Ship is being repaired! Ship is being repaired!
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text Proceed with the modifications? Proceed with the modifications?
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title Pending modifications Pending modifications
ShipFuelUnload Unload fuel Unload fuel
ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip Unloads fuel from the ship back into the shipyard. Unloads fuel from the ship back into the shipyard.
ShipHealth__Title Ship health and repair Ship health and repair
ShipHealth__Tooltip The current state of repair of the ship. If the value is below the green mark it means it needs to be repaired in order to depart for new adventures. Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet.
ShipLoading__Action Start loading the ship Start loading the ship
ShipLoading__Done All required cargo loaded! We can send the ship on its way. All required cargo loaded! We can send the ship on its way.
ShipLoading__InProgress Loading required materials ... Loading required materials ...
ShipLoading__NotStarted Click to fetch the required material onto the ship. Click to fetch the required material onto the ship.
ShipLoading__Title World map repairs & upgrades Feilrapportering
ShipModified__name Ship modifications complete Lasteskipet har lite drivstoff
ShipRepaired__name Ship was fully repaired Bluss
ShipSlotGroupArmor__name Armor Armor
ShipSlotGroupBridge__name Bridge Skipsbro III
ShipSlotGroupEngine__name Engine Skipsmotor II