Context English Norwegian Bokmål
ResearchRepairDock__name Ship dock repair Ship dock repair
ResearchResearchLab2__name Research lab II Forskningslaboratorium II
ResearchResearchLab3__name Research lab III Forskningslaboratorium III
ResearchResearchLab4__name Research lab IV Forskningslaboratorium IV
ResearchResearchLab5__name Research lab V Research lab V
ResearchSaltProduction__name Salt production Salt production
ResearchSettlementPower__name Settlement power Dieselaggregat
ResearchSettlementWater__name Settlement water Dieselaggregat
ResearchShipArmor__desc Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh? Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh?
ResearchShipArmor__name Ship armor Panser plater
ResearchShipArmor2__name Ship armor II Panser plater II
ResearchShipWeapons__desc Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle. Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle.
ResearchShipWeapons__name Ship weapons Skadet lasteskip
ResearchShipWeapons2__name Ship weapons II Skadet lasteskip
ResearchShipWeapons3__name Ship weapons III Skadet lasteskip
ResearchStorage2__name Storage II Lagring II
ResearchStoragesT1__name Storage Storages
ResearchThermalDesalination__name Thermal desalination Thermal desalination
ResearchTradeDock__name Trading dock
ResearchTransportsBalancing__desc You can already split / merge transports. But this gives you the ability to set input / output priorities and ratios. You can already split / merge transports. But this gives you the ability to set input / output priorities and ratios.