Context English Norwegian Bokmål
PipeT1__name Pipe Skipsbro
PipeT2__name Pipe II Skipsbro II
PipeT3__name Pipe III Skipsbro III
Pollution Pollution Forbruk
PolymerizationPlant__name Polymerization plant Fordampingsdam
PopGrowth Population growth Population growth
PopsBoostT1__name Growth boost Lastedepot (2)
Population Population Population
PopulationOverview__OpenAction Open population overview Open population overview
PopulationOverview__Title Population overview Område utforsket!
PowerGeneratorT1__desc Converts mechanical power to electricity. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. Brenner diesel for å skape strøm.
PowerGeneratorT1__name Power generator Dieselaggregat
PowerGeneratorT2__desc Optimized power generator with lower friction and better efficiency. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. Brenner diesel for å skape strøm.
PowerGeneratorT2__name Power generator (large) Dieselaggregat
PowerNeed__name Electricity Mat
Product_Acid__name Acid Acid
Product_Brine__name Brine Lysbueovn
Product_ChilledWater__name Chilled water Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel
Product_Chlorine__name Chlorine Chlorine
Product_Coal__name Coal Coal