Context English Norwegian Bokmål
OilRigCost1__desc This station provides crude oil when assigned with workers. Støper smeltet materiale til plater.
OilRigCost1__name Oil rig Metall støper
OneMonth month month
Option_AllowRefuelInEntity Allow any vehicle to refuel here Allow any vehicle to refuel here
OptionValMeters {0} meter {0} meter
Orders Orders Orders
OutputsTitle Outputs Outputs
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Mining & dumping
Overlays__Resources Resources Resources
Overlays__Title Overlays Jevne I/O -forhold
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting Tree harvesting
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite Overwrite
OwnedVehicles Owned Owned
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. Kan brenne brennbare væsker og gasser, men produserer forurensning.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace Lysbueovn
PatchNotes Patch notes Patch notes
Paused Paused Paused
PauseTool Pause tool Pause tool
PipeFormattedFirst__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Pipes cannot transport more than one product type at a time. Transports liquids and gasses.
PipeT1__name Pipe Skipsbro