Context English Norwegian Bokmål
GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff Settlement consumption
GameDiff__SettlementConsumptionDiff_Tooltip Affects how much food, services, goods is consumed by your population.
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff Unity generation
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip Affects how much Unity is produced in settlements.
GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty Weather
GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation For experienced players only For experienced players only
GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation For players who want a smooth sail For new players who want a smooth sail
GameDifficulty__EasyTitle Sailor Sailor
GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation For players who seek some adventure For new or returning players who seek some adventure
GameDifficulty__NormalTitle Captain Captain
GameSaveLoad__MissingMod Could not load the given save file as it was missing a mod '{0}' (version {1}, type '{2}'). Could not load the given save file as it was missing a mod '{0}' (version {1}, type '{2}').
GlassMakerT1__name Glass maker Medisin produksjon
GlassMakerT2__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets and with much greater efficiency Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?
GlassMakerT2__name Glass maker II Medisin produksjon
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title Global maintenance status Jevne I/O -forhold
GlobalNeedPrefix Global need: Global need:
GoldFurnace__name Gold furnace Lysbueovn
Gun0__name Gun (basic) Fyrtårn
Gun1__name Gun I (front) Skipsmotor
Gun1Rear__name Gun I (rear) Knuser