Context English Latvian
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0}
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc>
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production
Goal__CpIProduction__name Construction parts
Goal__CrudeOilImport__name Automate crude oil import
Goal__DesignateDumping Designate a dumping zone for {0}
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig
Goal__Dump Dump {0}