Context English Lithuanian
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation.
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip How much soil fertility is provided by each unit of stored fertilizer.
FarmFertilizer__Tooltip Fertilizers can be used to artificially increase soil fertility above its natural equilibrium. Some fertilizers can even raise soil fertility above 100%. Use the green slider to set the desired fertilization target. Fertilizer has to be delivered via pipes. When different types of fertilizers are delivered, their properties will be proportionally mixed.
FarmT3__desc Has {0} increased crop yield compared to the basic farm. Crops also require {1} extra water and fertility.
FarmYieldIncrease__name Farming boost
FoodInSettlement__Tooltip Shows all the food available in the settlement together with information on consumption and benefits. Food is divided into categories, providing food from multiple categories can provide health benefit. If you provide variety of food, the total consumption distributes across all the different types of food provided. Providing variety of food can also be a great source of Unity.
FuelTank_Title Fuel tank
Gun0__name Gun (basic)
HealthBonus__name Health boost
IndustrialMixer__name Mixer
Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label Mining designations
LogisticsControl__On_OutputTooltip Truck will be allowed to pick up cargo here if possible.
LowFarmFertility__name Farm fertility is too low
NoLabAvailable No lab available
NuclearReactor__Overheated Nuclear reactor was critically overheated and is shutting down. Depending on severity, this may cause loss of loaded fuel, damage to the building (loss of maintenance), and leak of radiation.
OceanWaterPumpT1__name Seawater pump
PopsBoostT1__name Growth boost
PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. Also determines priority for products delivery and removal when using trucks.
ProducedLastMonth Produced last month