Context English Lithuanian
NoVehicleDepotAvailable There is no operational vehicle depot that can accept this type of vehicle
NoVehiclesAssigned No vehicles assigned
NoWaterDisease__desc Bacterial disease spread through contaminated water. To prevent this disease in the future, make sure your settlement has stable supply of clean water.
NoWaterDisease__name Cholera
NoWaterDisease_Reason low water supply
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle Enable automatic regulation
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip If enabled, the reactor will regulate the target power based on the heat demand. The automated regulation will never go above the target power level (selected on the slider above). It also can't go below the first level (shutting the reactor down). The automation relies on the cooling loop; without it a rapid change in reactor's heat could lead to a meltdown. This regulation requires computing in order to operate.
NuclearReactor__desc Thermal reactor that maintains nuclear chain reaction from enriched uranium rods. The reaction releases a large amount of energy utilized for steam generation. This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. Beware that spent fuel is radioactive and can harm the population if not stored in a specialized facility.
NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade The reactor needs to be turned off before upgrading
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle Cooling
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip Cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam (or steam output gets stuck). Cooling is not mandatory if you are not using automatic power regulation. However, it is highly recommended to have it as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating.
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle Enrichment
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip If input is provided, it will be enriched into fissile fuel. The enrichment process is optional and does not affect reactor's fuel economy. Keeping the enriched output buffer full does not affect operation of the reactor.
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix This reactor has advanced safety feature that prevents radiation leaks on overheat but its fuel content will be lost.
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix Overheat will also cause significant radiation leak into the area.
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle Reactor heat
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip The current heat that has built up in the reactor. Heat is necessary to produce steam to run turbines. The pace of heat generation depends on the current power level of the reactor. When the heat reaches above the red marker, emergency cooling will try to reduce excess heat in the reactor. If the heat level goes beyond the heat bar maximum, the reactor will critically overheat, damaging the reactor and releasing radiation into the area.
NuclearReactor__name Nuclear reactor
NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance Nuclear reactor cannot start if it is not well maintained. Increase maintenance in order to safely start it.
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle Power level