Context English Lithuanian
CraterStaticIslandMap__name The Crater
Credits Credits
Crop_Canola__name Canola
Crop_Corn__name Corn
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1}
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy
Crop_Potato__name Potato
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat
CropCouldNotBeStored__name Farm: Could not store all {0} after harvest
CropDiedNoMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of workers
CropDiedNoWater__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of water