Context English Italian
VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name {entity} cannot reach destination.
VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal Driving to destination
VehicleJob__InvalidState Invalid state
VehicleJob__Loading Loading cargo
VehicleJob__Navigating Navigating
VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface Processing surface
VehicleJob__Unloading Unloading cargo
VehicleLimitReached Vehicle limit reached!
VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name {entity} has no reachable terrain designations
VehicleRamp2__name Vehicle ramp (medium)
VehicleRamp3__name Vehicle ramp (large)
VehiclesAssignedToBuildings Assigned to buildings
VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting Assigned to tree harvesting
VehiclesDepotT2__name Vehicles depot II
VehiclesDepotT3__name Vehicles depot III
VehiclesLimit__Tooltip Number of vehicles owned / limit of vehicles. The limit can be increased via research.
VehiclesMaintenance Vehicles maintenance
Version Version: {0}
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WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip The ratios of individual output products depend on where the input recyclables come from (e.g. where they were produced and from which products). Which means that these ratios are subject to change based on production processes used.