Context English Italian
SettlementHouseholdGoodsModule__desc Provides household goods to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity. Fornisce beni per la casa per un insediamento annesso. Fornire beni per la casa a un insediamento genera Unity extra.
SettlementLandfillModule__desc Collects general waste from the attached settlement to prevent it from piling up in the settlement and causing health concerns.
SettlementLandfillModule__name Waste collection
SettlementPillar__name Square with column
SettlementPowerModule__desc Provides electricity to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity. Fornisce con energia elettrica l'insediamento adiacente. Fornire elettricità a un insediamento genera Unity extra.
SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat Collects recyclables from the attached settlement. Recyclables are generated only from products that you provide to the settlement (e.g. {0}). If a settlement does not have this module built, all recyclables end up in general waste.
SettlementRecyclablesModule__name Recyclables collection
SettlementSquare1__name Square (light)
SettlementSquare2__name Square (dark)
SettlementTitleWithReputation {0} (Reputation {1})
SettlementWaste__Title Waste in settlement
SettlementWaste__Tooltip Population in settlement generates waste. The amount of waste generated depends on amount of products provided to the settlement. However settlement always generates some basic amount of waste. When waste in settlement gets over limit it creates negative health effects, so it is important to collect the waste via a dedicated waste module. Waste can be dumped on the ground. However research might find new ways of dealing with waste.
SettlementWaterModule__desc Provides fresh water to the attached settlement and returns waste water that needs to be disposed of. Providing fresh water to a settlement generates extra Unity and reduces health risks. Fornisce acqua potabile per l'insediamento annesso e restituisce le acque reflue che devono essere smaltite. Fornire acqua potabile ad un insediamento genera Unity extra.
ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name Shadows quality
ShipAutoRepair__Toggle Auto-repair
ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip Repairs will be requested automatically whenever the ship is damaged.
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore.
ShipCrew__Tooltip Ship requires crew in order to operate. Crew cannot board in case the ship is damaged. La nave richiede equipaggio per operare
ShipFuelReduction__desc Cargo ship fuel consumption reduced by {0}