Context English Italian
PopsQuarantine__desc Quarantines {0} of the total workforce to reduce effects of any ongoing disease by {1}.
PopsQuarantine__name Quarantine
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation!
PopsStarving__name People are starving!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt
Power Power
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume
PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan Consume if can
PowerSetting__DoNotConsume Never consume
Product_Anesthetics__name Anesthetics
Product_AnimalFeed__name Animal feed
Product_Antibiotics__name Antibiotics
Product_Biomass__name Biomass
Product_BlanketFuel__name Blanket fuel
Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name Blanket fuel (enriched)
Product_Bread__name Bread
Product_BrokenGlass__name Broken glass
Product_Cake__name Cake
Product_Canola__name Canola
Product_CargoShip__name Cargo ship