Context English Hungarian
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers. Egy homokos tengerparton indulva rengeteg hely van egy gyár építésére, de a farmok nem építhetők homokra, így a kihívást a korlátozott elhelyezésük jelenti. További kihívás, hogy nincs sok hely teherdokkok építésére, és a főszigetet magas hegyek veszik körül, így vagy mesterséges zátonyt kell építeni, vagy távolabbi helyet kell használni.
CustomizeDifficulty__Description You can further fine tune all settings below. These settings are also available in-game.
GameDiff__PowerLow Consumer out of power
GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip Adjusts the Unity cost for quick actions, like quick delivery
GameDiff__RainYieldDiff Rainwater yield Esővíz hozam
GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel Ship out of fuel
GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff Solar power production
GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip Affects how much electricity is generated by solar panels
GameDiff__Starvation Starvation effects
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff Unity generation Egység termelés
GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel Vehicle out of fuel
GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity World mine out of Unity
GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription A tough challenge with unforgiving mechanics for experienced Captains
GameDifficulty__EasyDescription Additional bonuses and mechanics make this highly recommended for new players
GameDifficulty__NormalDescription An experience that balances consumption and production for more challenge
GameInitFail The game failed to initialize. Please file a bug report if this issue persists. Sajnáljuk, a játék indítása során hiba lépett fel, kérjük küldj nekünk egy jelentést a részletekkel.
GameInitFail__Mod The game failed to initialize likely due to a mod, see logs for more info.
GameInitFail__OutOrMemory The game failed to initialize due to insufficient system memory. Try closing other programs to free-up memory.
GameMechanic__Casual Getting started
GameMechanic__Challenges Challenges