Context English Finnish
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts
StorageAlert__Empty Empty
StorageAlert__Full Full
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product.
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product.
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports.
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product.
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0}
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0}
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat