Context English Finnish
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore.
ShipCannotUnload Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full.
ShipCantVisit__BeingModified Ship is being modified
ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired Ship is being modified
ShipCantVisit__Damaged Ship is too damaged
ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock Ship is arriving to the dock.
ShipCantVisit__NoAccess Ship has no access
ShipCantVisit__NoCrew Not enough crew
ShipCantVisit__NoFuel Not enough fuel
ShipCantVisit__Ok Request our ship to visit this location
ShipCantVisit__OnWay Already present or on its way
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far
ShipCargoDelivered__name Ship delivered cargo to {0}
ShipCargoLoaded__name Done loading cargo for {0}
ShipCrew Crew
ShipCrew__Load Load crew
ShipCrew__Tooltip Ship requires crew in order to operate. Crew cannot board in case the ship is damaged.
ShipCrew__Unload Unload crew
ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired Ship is being repaired!