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TutorialOnIronOre__part1 The {0} can process both {1} and {2} by toggling both recipes on. To do so, turn on the <b>{1}</b> recipe by clicking on it.
TutorialOnIronOre__part2 The priority of recipe execution depends on their order which can be changed using the arrows on the left (1). If you want to prioritize {0} processing over {1}, click the <b>up arrow</b> on the <b>{0} recipe</b> for it to move above the <b>{1} recipe</b>.
TutorialOnIronOre__part3 With {0} being smelted, the {2} will produce <b>{1}</b>. {1} can be dumped anywhere on the island by placing dumping designations (unless you prevent {1} dumping by changing the <b>global dumping filter</b>). Trucks will always prioritize delivering {1} and other materials to where it is needed before dumping it (e.g. concrete production). Dumping {1} is important as typically your smelting industry will produce way more {1} than you can use. Dumping it has no pollution effect.
TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name Iron ore smelting
TutorialOnMaintenance__name Maintenance
TutorialOnMaintenance__part1 Maintenance is a crucial global resource that is required by vehicles and buildings to keep operational otherwise they break down and stop working. Maintenance level of each entity can be seen on the bottom of its window (1). In an emergency, broken entities can be instantly repaired using {0} (2).
TutorialOnMaintenance__part2 In order to produce maintenance you need to build a {0} and supply it with the necessary materials.
TutorialOnMaintenance__part3 You can see the current Maintenance amount on the right side of the screen (1). You can also see Maintenance Production and Consumption over time in the Statistics screen (2).
TutorialOnMineTower__name Mining
TutorialOnMining__part1 You can remove any material from the terrain by mining it with your <b>excavators</b> and add material by dumping it with trucks.
TutorialOnMining__part10 Below is an example of how a mining designation starting at surface level is reachable only if it touches the surface. The top designation is reachable as denoted by the yellow color. The bottom starts one level below the surface and is not reachable, denoted by the orange color with red borders.
TutorialOnMining__part11 Use the {0} key to switch to the <b>ramp</b> mode. Then you can snap to a previous flat designations and extend a ramp from there.
TutorialOnMining__part11Header Creating Ramps
TutorialOnMining__part12 Each designation square can be mined by <b>only one excavator at a time</b>. Be sure that there are enough available designations if you have multiple excavators.
TutorialOnMining__part13 You can see available resources by toggling a resource overlay in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
TutorialOnMining__part13Header Resources layer
TutorialOnMining__part2 While dumping designations can be placed anywhere on the island, mining designations must be within a {0} managed area. With a mine control tower selected, click the {1} button to outline a new area.
TutorialOnMining__part3 Trucks and excavators must be <b>assigned to a {0}</b> in order for mining to begin. Excavators mine designated terrain while trucks transport the mined materials from the excavators to machines, storages, or any available dumping areas.
TutorialOnMining__part4 To mine the terrain, select the <b>mine designation tool</b> {0} from the bottom toolbar (1), and click and drag on the terrain to designate your mining area (2).
TutorialOnMining__part4Header Mining designations