Context English Spanish
TerrainDetailsRenderDistance Terrain grass quality
TerrainQuality Terrain quality
ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle Charging process
ThermalStorage__desc Thermal storage uses steam to heat its tank of molten salt to store thermal energy. The accumulated energy can be then used to boil incoming water back to steam. The conversion process has losses but maintaining the accumulated heat does not decay while the storage is operational.
ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle Discharging process
ThermalStorage__name Thermal storage
TrAdditionError__NotFlat Cannot join if not flat No se puede unir a una rampa
TransportSnappingOff__Title Belts & pipes snapping is off
TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip You have disabled snapping of belts & pipes. This is useful when trying to stack them on top of each other. But it is not suitable for regular building. You can disable this by pressing the {0} key.
TreeHarvesterT2H__name Large tree harvester
TreePlanterT1__desc A machine for planting trees. Make sure it has access to saplings. It cannot pass under transports.
TreePlanterT1__name Tree planter
TreePlanterT1H__name Tree planter
Trees__CutAfter Cut after
Trees__HarvestingOptions Harvesting options
Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip Allows to select at which percentage of size the trees should be cut. That affects yield of wood and consumption of saplings. The table below shows quantity of wood produced per a single tree.
Trees__NoCut No cut
TreesInMenuDescription A tree that can be manually positioned without having to use a forestry tower. Planting it requires a tree sapling and a tree planting vehicle.
TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name {entity} has no compatible sorting plant for mixed cargo
TruckT2H__name Truck