Context English Spanish
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain.
Stacker__name Stacker
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here
StartingLocation_Title Starting location
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.
StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip For players who are ready to fail and like to push their limits. Do not take success for granted.
StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip A slightly more advanced map that may require some extra planning.
StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy Easy
StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard Hard
StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane Insane
StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium Medium
StarvationMode__Death Death by starvation
StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers Reduced workforce
StatsEntry__Dumping Dumped / disposed Vertido
StatsTab__Breakdown Breakdown
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half. Estatua que no sólo demuestra la riqueza de tu isla, sino que también sirve para celebrar tu éxito industrial. Tiene un efecto tan positivo en tu población que reduce los requisitos de mantenimiento de tu isla en {0}. Para obtener la bonificación, la estatua debe recibir {1} de forma continuada. Sin embargo, si no mantienes tu estatua obtendrás un efecto negativo. Porque nada desmotiva más a tus trabajadores para realizar el mantenimiento que ver una estatua de mantenimiento rota. Puedes construirla varias veces si tu riqueza te lo permite, pero sólo obtendrás la bonificación una vez.