Context English Spanish
Product_Woodchips__name Woodchips
Product_Yellowcake__name Yellowcake
PropsRemovalTool Remove debris
PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of debris (stones, bushes, tree stumps) to clear them. This action costs Unity.
ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle Allow powering surplus consumers
ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip When enabled, power generated here can also be used by consumers that are set to consume surplus power only. Surplus mode is useful for generators for which any unused power goes to waste (e.g. solar panels) and can be instead provided to surplus consumers. Surplus generators always have a priority over non-surplus ones to generate power.
QualityPreset__HighQuality High quality
QualityPreset__LowQuality High performance
QualityPreset__MediumQuality Balanced
QualityPreset__UltraQuality Ultra high quality
QuickBuild__NotAllowed Quick delivery is not allowed for this type of structure
RadiationLevel__Tooltip Radiation level. The higher the number the more radiation is released into the area (unless the fuel is safely stored).
RefundOption__Full Full refund
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
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RenderingQuality__High High