Context English Spanish
Research__Detail Research
ResearchCustomSurfaces__name Custom surfaces
ResearchElectricity__name Electricity
ResearchHydrogenCell__name Hydrogen cell
ResearchNaphthaReforming__name Reforming & cracking Reformado de nafta
ResearchPowerAndMaintenance__name Maintenance Energía y mantenimiento
ResearchTransportsLifts__desc Allows to raise or lower conveyors in a compact footprint.
ResearchTransportsLifts__name Conveyor lifts
ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name Hydrogen mega vehicles
Resources Resources
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__Title Save
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveName__Label Name your save
SelectFuel_Title Select fuel
SelectMods_Title Select mods to include in the game
SelectOption Select...
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far