Context English Greek
AdditionError__NeedsOcean Some part needs to be in the ocean
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles)
AssignedForLogistics__Empty No routes assigned
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel.
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products.
AssignedTo assigned to {0}
Area_Value {0} km²
AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name Assembly III
AssemblyElectrified__name Assembly II
AddableMods__Tooltip Check these mods to add them to your save file.
AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup Effects volume
AdditionError__NoDeposit There is no deposit of {0}
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes?
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products.
AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically serve all the excavators assigned to this tower.
AnimalFarm_Title Animals
AverageProduction Avg. production
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
AdditionError__DesignationOverlap Overlapping with terrain designation