Context English Greek
DiscardAllProducts__Action Discard all
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here?
DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported This product cannot be discarded.
DiscardChanges Discard
DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc Has to be discovered by exploring the world map
Disease1__name Flu
DiseaseSeverity__1 {0} (mild)
DiseaseSeverity__2 {0} (moderate)
DiseaseSeverity__3 {0} (severe)
DiseaseSeverity__4 {0} (very severe)
DiseaseSeverity__5 {0} (deadly)
Dismiss Dismiss
DistillationTowerT1__desc The entry point for advanced crude oil processing. Separates oil into two components for additional processing into useful resources.
DistillationTowerT1__name Distillation (stage I)
DistillationTowerT2__desc Introduces extra distillation step to expand oil processing capabilities.
DistillationTowerT2__name Distillation (stage II)
DistillationTowerT3__name Distillation (stage III)
Dlc__Detail DLC
docksCategory__name Cargo docks
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