Context English Greek
HealthBonus__name Health boost
HealthCareNeed__name Hospitals
HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name Air pollution
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name Ships pollution
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name Vehicles pollution
HealthPointsCat_Base__name Base
HealthPointsCat_Disease__name Disease
HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name Edicts
HealthPointsCat_Food__name Food
HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name Healthcare
HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name Landfill pollution
HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name Settlement waste
HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name Water pollution
HeavyRainWeather__name Heavy rain
HitPoints Hit points
Homeless__name Not enough housing, settlement is overcrowded
HomelessLeft__name {0} homeless left the island due to lack of food.
Hospital__desc Provides healthcare that increases overall health of your population, gives extra unity and also reduces negative effects of diseases. This building needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to work.
Hospital__name Clinic
Hospital_InputsTooltip This clinic needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to provide its services to the attached settlement. The quality of the healthcare depends on the supplies provided. Consumption of supplies can temporary increase in case there is an active disease on the island.